MURDER AT THE SHANGRI' LA: The Cecilia Madeline Kennedy Story

The Cecilia Madeline Kennedy Story
Non-Fiction/True Crime/International Murder/Political Corruption/Passion
Outline for Book Manuscript & Movie
John Joseph Kennedy
with Philip Young
It was said that Cecilia Kennedy had the energy of Joan of Arc, as it is true for all of her family. Their lineage is of the ancient French House of D'Arcy, the same line that Joan of Arc (Jeanne D'Arc) hailed from. D'Arcy literally means "Of the Arc."
For Cecilia
Wherever you are, I hope you have found your Shangri La!
We miss you! And love you forever!
Shangri-La is a fictional place described in the 1933 novel, Lost Horizon by British author James Hilton. In the book, "Shangri-La" is a mystical, harmonious valley, gently guided from a lamasery, enclosed in the western end of the Kunlun Mountains. Shangri-La has become synonymous with any earthly paradise but particularly a mythical Himalayan utopia—a permanently happy land, isolated from the outside world….
Located on the banks of the Chao Phraya River, Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok is set in beautiful tropical gardens and enjoys convenient access to the central business and shopping districts. Only 30 minutes from the international airport and adjacent to a Skytrain station, the 5-star deluxe hotel is a preferred choice for business and leisure travelers. Consistently voted one of the best hotels in the world, Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok boasts unrivaled business services in an elegant and exotic setting….the most unlikely setting for a beautiful, young, vibrant American woman to die….
Cecilia "CeCe" Kennedy1964-1997
"Cecilia was a gift from God to our family and the world. She was a brave and heroic American who gave her life so others could be free." -JJK
John is inspired by his sister Cecilia, a brave, heroic American, who gave her life for Truth & International Justice.
John Joseph Kennedy understands personal loss and suffering that comes about through violence and corruption at the very highest level of the U.S. government, the very sort of corruption that took the life of his younger sister, Cecilia Kennedy, a brave and heroic soul who made a huge impact on this world and gave her life so others could be free.
Cecilia freed many Americans, including her and John’s brother, Christopher (Chris), who was falsely imprisoned in Bangkok, Thailand. At only 26 years of age, she began her mission of mercy and single-handedly put together a brilliant International legal defense, took her brother’s case to the Supreme Court of Thailand and WON - overturning his life sentence!
Cecilia also lobbied for the Extradition Treaty between the United States and Thailand to be ratified to allow those convicted of major drug crimes, especially those falsely accused and imprisoned, to be returned to the United States. At the time Thailand was one of the few countries that did not have this in place.
In her discovery and research of the international drug and money laundering schemes, to her horror and disbelief she also discovered that several of the misogynistic Supreme Court Justices of Thailand were involved in this, and the trafficking of women and children. She exposed this too, however, once she accomplished all these heroic acts she was found murdered in the 5-star Shangri La Hotel in Bangkok in 1997, at the age of only 32. Several weeks later many prisoners were freed because of her efforts. Three years later, Chris would be set free, too. Her mission on earth completed; an angel among us!
The fact that a single young woman - who was not a lawyer or involved in politics in any way - was able to accomplish these feats, and in a foreign country where she didn't know the language, is truly heroic. The stories of her heroism and bravery abound. Cecilia had a commanding presence about her, despite her petite size, and many people felt a powerful desire to help her in her humanitarian missions.
It was said that Cecilia Madeline Kennedy had the energy of the famous French martyr Joan of Arc, as it is true for all of JJK's family. Their lineage is of the ancient French House of D'Arcy, the same line that Joan of Arc (Jeanne D'Arc) hailed from. D'Arcy literally means "of the Arc."
"Cecilia stepped out of her comfort zone, as all of us must do when we are called to help others. She gave the ultimate sacrifice for humanity. One person made an exponential difference in this world." says John Kennedy.
Conspiracy theories have always seemed to surround the Kennedy family and their tragedies. This is the story of a conspiracy in fact, and one that was carried out. Of all the horrors that these two young people endured, that some of their own family took part in it may be the worst.
Foreword: A Brother Speaks
This will be written by John Kennedy. He will outline why this book is so very important and especially timely. As the brother to these two remarkable young people, Christopher and Cecelia, and they are remarkable not because of the accident called birth that placed them into the Kennedy family, no, they are such because of what they are and were as people, and how they have affected and touched multitudes of lives.
This is a story that is being played out right now, as the recent world-wide news coverage of a lovely young lady from Australia attests. She brought luggage to her airport that contained her vacation clothes and when she arrived in Indonesia, a piece was opened that was now filled with marijuana. She too was facing a possible death sentence at her trial despite being innocent. Her mistake was simply traveling with luggage without locks on them. As her case has forcefully shown once again, the lives of tens of thousands of innocent young people and their families are being ruined at nothing more than the whim of greedy evil men whose love of power and money have transcended morality and decency.
John’s passionate love for his family and desire for justice to be met out upon those responsible for the tragedies of his brother’s and sister’s lives, and as this book will show, the ones ultimately responsible and where the path leads will stun and shock all who learn their identities, is just part of his motivation in seeing their story told.
This is a horror and nightmare that must end. Hopefully, what is contained within these pages will help toward that end.
Prologue: Thanksgiving in Hell
The reader is introduced to the horrors of the Bang-Kwang Central Prison, a place that has become accepted as the worst prison a human being can be sent to. It is Hell on Earth. A montage of scenes beginning with Christopher’s feelings on the longest night of his life, his first one in Bang-Kwang and ending with a procession of Rolls Royce limousines entering the front gate to provide a group of more than forty young American prisoners with a most unexpected feast on Thanksgiving.
Part One – The Odyssey of Christopher
Chapter One: The Kennedy’s of Charleston, S. C. and Oklahoma City, OK.
When the average American hears the name Kennedy, the late President JFK, Bobby, Teddy and the premiere political family of the 20th century comes to mind. This chapter introduces the reader to the Kennedy’s of Oklahoma. This branch of the family came to Oklahoma by means of Charleston, South Carolina, and can trace their own political heritage beyond the days of Joseph Kennedy, father of JFK, in the 1930’s, to the South Carolina statesman and Congressman, Michael Francis Kennedy, and the first of the family to hold political office.
This will be the first of many surprises that will be learnt about this side of the family. Each individual whether parent, brother, sister, cousin and in-laws, plays an important and particular role in the tragedies and triumphs of what happens to both Christopher and Cecelia. This includes direct and indirect responsibility for his illegal imprisonment and her murder.
This chapter tells of their early years and sets the stage for what is to come…
Complete Book & Movie Outline, News Articles, and CNN News Report of this story are available upon request.
hi my name is jeff hourcade and i was dating cecilia in 1997 in san francisco we became very close she told me about her brother who was jailed in thailand she told me she hadmade 10trips there to try get him out how she gave the guard there jhonnie walker bottle to let her take pictures of how bad it was well the day after new years i took her to the sfo airport and saw here off then she called me when she got there we talk for 2 weeks and she wanted me to come visit her i was trying to find deal fly over there but i kept calling her and she was not there i left messages for her then i told the cleck to check her room the next day i get a call from the us embassy in thailand telling me she die i was heart broken she was the best lady i met i love her she love angels to i recevied a phone call from her sister in seattle and told service will be held in oklahoma i sented flowers i never heard anything till i wented on the computer i just got this year if any one can help me get ahold of her brother please do thank you jeff hourcade
hi my name is jeff i was with cecilia in san francisco in 1997 we went out up untill i took to the airport she call me when she got over there and told me hoiw she was going to get her brother out of there i talk to her every night for 2 weeks she want me to come visit so i was try top find a deal but i try calling her but she was out so i kept calling and told the cleck to check her room the next day i got a call from the us embassy to tell me she was dead i was broken heart she was a angel and she like angels to i never found out what happen to her only her sister called me she was in seattle and told were the funneral was in oklhoma i sented flowers but never herad from any one after that it been ten years i got a computer ayear ago andjust today i found her again i would like to talk to her brother thank you jeff hourcade
What a load of crap! More lies from John Joseph Kennedy. Go to to get the facts about this guy.
Please john connect to me asap
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